The disassembled iPhone 7 Plus reveals Apple's secrets

The first disassembled iPhone 7 Plus reveals the secrets hidden by the Apple company inside the case of its new smartphone.

Today we have the opportunity to see the first video clip with a 7 iPhone Plus disassembled, and the unit disassembled by a Vietnamese seems to be a test unit from the Apple company. On the terminal screen is visible the icon used in SwitchBoard, a special software used by Apple to diagnose a prototype being tested by an engineer.

Well, moving on to the disassembly, it can be clearly seen that Apple has crammed a lot of components into the iPhone 7 Plus case, each one having a little room to "breathe". Instead of the 3.5mm audio port, we have that Taptic Engine that generates vibrations for the new tactile Home button, but also perceives strong or light presses made by us.

Basically, Apple needed a place for this Taptic Engine and gave up the audio port, otherwise it would not have been able to offer us this new tactile Home button in iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Separately, we can see all the components installed by the Apple company in its terminals, but also the ways in which they are protected against contact with water.

The disassembled iPhone 7 Plus reveals Apple's secrets

To make the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus water resistant, the Apple company not only eliminated the audio port, but additionally protected all the holes through which water can enter. Those from Apple use special gaskets and more glue to prevent water from entering the case, but they still have sensors that detect contact with liquids.

The entire video clip is filmed in Vietnam, so you will not understand anything from the Vietnamese language spoken by the authors, but in 17 minutes you will find out everything that is hidden in the iPhone 7 Plus. Considering that this video clip has already appeared, we can expect that many others will appear in the following days, because other services will also want to disassemble the terminal.