iOS 10.3 beta 3 vs iOS 10.2.1 - performance comparison

iOS 10.3 beta 3 and iOS 10.2.1 appear today in a very interesting performance comparison on some of the iDevices sold by Apple. You can see in the video clips below that we are talking about iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6S and iPad Air, the performance of iOS 10.3 beta 3 and iOS 10.2.1 being compared in them.

iOS 10.3 beta 3 is still much faster when it comes to starting the operating system, thanks to the new APFS system implemented by Apple. Apart from this major improvement for iOS 10.3, there are no other performance benefits that the operating system update offers.

The Apple company has never announced that iOS 10.3 will bring major improvements to the performance of the operating system for iDevices. In this idea, you don't even have to expect iOS 10.3 to make your iDevices faster because this won't happen beyond the faster startup.