Apple wants to allow the Siri assistant to identify us based on our voice

The Apple company wants to implement a new technology in Siri that will allow the personal assistant to identify us based on our voice, in order to refuse another person's commands. This new technology is thought by the Apple company to allow the use of Siri even from the lock screen, the use of which at the moment is a security problem for many people.

In a new patent registered to those from Cupertino, the Apple company describes a method by which Siri would allow us to authenticate to record voice commands from the lock screen. This authentication would prevent Siri from taking commands from other people apart from us, so there would be no security problems using the assistant from the lock screen.

Apple would allow us to set a voice command in iOS that would work as an authentication password for Siri, the assistant also combining it with a verification of our voice. If the command and the voice, or just one of them, do not match what Siri has stored to identify us, then the assistant will ask for authentication using a security code, or Touch ID.

Apple has a rudimentary version of this integrated technology for the Hey Siri function available since the launch of the iPhone 6S, but it wants to offer something more complex. Of course, no one knows how successful those from Cupertino will be in offering such a very difficult functionality, but if there is any company capable of doing this, Apple is that company.

"Up until now when a digital assistant has been invoked with a voice command, the digital assistant is responsive to the speech itself, not to the speaker. Consequently, a user other than the owner of the electronic device is able to use the digital assistant, which may not be desirable in all circumstances. Apple's invention provides a method to train Siri to know the voice of the owner of the iDevice before responding to a command."

iphone identification series