iOS 11 – The potential of the Drag & Drop function

iOS 11 brings to the iPad a drag & drop function that allows copying content from one application to another, or between various menus by simply selecting and dragging it. We are talking about functionality that computer operating systems have had for years and years, but which iOS 11 brings to Apple's mobile terminals in a very useful way.

After the first beta version of iOS 11 was released, the developers started playing with this new functionality, and in the video clip below you can see some functions demonstrated. More specifically, here a developer shows us how we can use a copied link to transfer it to various Safari menus for iOS 11 very simply and easily.

What we see in the video clip below can be implemented in other applications of iOS 11, but not only for simple links, but also for other types of content. The drag & drop functionality for iOS 11 can be extremely complex and useful if implemented properly, but everything depends on what the developers will offer us.