iPhone 8 – Lower pre-orders than iPhone 7

iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus register lower pre-orders than iPhone 7 and iPhone 6 in China, the differences being large between the three series.

iPhone 8 has lower pre-orders than the iPhone 7, or the iPhone 6 series, Apple registering much less interest in this phone model than in the previous ones. Asian analysts talked to various sources in China to find out what the situation is and found that the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are not as sought after as the previous models, the interest in iPhone X seeming to hold the world "in place".

iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus will be launched at night in Romania and may be pre-ordered from here, but in China they recorded sales that amount to less than half of those of the iPhone 7. iPhone 8 recorded pre-orders of 1.5 million 1.5 million units in the first 3 days at the largest online retailer in China, with 2 million pre-orders less than in the case of iPhone 7 in September 2016.

iPhone 8 has pre-orders of 1 million units from China Mobile, the largest mobile phone operator in the country, 1.5 million less than for iPhone 7. Compared to iPhone 6, iPhone 8 pre-orders at China Mobile are 2.5 million units smaller, so people's interest was much lower than many thought, and the iPhone X is the main "culprit" for these big differences.

iPhone 8 – lower pre-orders than iPhone 7

iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are Apple's intermediate phones until the launch of iPhone X, and this is fully visible with the number of registered pre-orders. The launch of the iPhone X will still take place with an extremely small number of units, so a lot of people will be disappointed by what the Apple company is going to offer for customers starting in November, but that's the situation.

The iPhone 8 was presented yesterday as having registered pre-orders of 4 million units in China alone, 200 times more than those for the Samsung Galaxy Note 8. Today's information, which has another source, confirms that figure, because at only two local partners of Apple, pre-orders of 2.5 million units for iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus were registered, and the other mobile phone operators and another very large retailer are not taken into account.

"In China, the analyst said their research suggests that there were about 1.5 million iPhone 8 preorders on JD.com in the first three days, compared to the iPhone 7 with 3.5 million preorders in the first three days, They also believe China Mobile's iPhone 8 preorder volume was around 1 million units, compared to 2.5 million units and 3.5 million units for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 6, respectively, for the first three days."

iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus registered in China at least half of the global pre-orders, and this is a very good sign for Apple, however. If Apple will sell at least 8 million iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus during the launch weekend, we are talking about an unexpectedly great success, because the iPhone X has the potential to generate sales almost as high, surpassing the iPhone 7 launch in total from last year.

iPhone 8 Preorders Small iPhone 7