The price of Apple Shares is about to enter Free Fall

After a year in which it was extremely successful for its products, the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), they are going to record a few not so good months. More precisely, analysts are already preparing for a considerable drop in the price of Apple shares on the US stock market, the estimate being made based on the statistics of previous years.

Analysts discuss the fact that the price of Apple shares fell by 41% after the launch of the iPhone 5 and 27% after the release of the iPhone 6, saying that something similar will happen now. They do not say how much Apple's stock prices could drop this time, but the drop could still be lower than in previous years, although a percentage was not offered.

If the analysts were right, then despite the popularity of the iPhone X, Apple should prepare for a substantial drop in the share price and implicitly in the value of the company. After the iPhone 5, Apple needed more than 1 year to bring its shares back to their previous value, the iPhone 6 being the phone that helped it do this, but the shares fell immediately after its appearance.

No matter what they do, the Apple company will experience dramatic decreases in the price of its shares anyway, and I think this is as normal as possible. There is no company whose shares are always on the rise, and this is because the markets always react after the launch of new products, no matter how successful they are.

"We argue that the stock's gains for the iPhone X supercycle are in the late innings. We believe unit growth, if not quite ASP growth, is well anticipated by consensus and a historically full multiple. The shares fell 41% after the iPhone 5 launch and 27% after the iPhone 6. The shares obviously recovered, although only after approximately 20 months in each case. We argue this cycle is not different; we do not expect the services business or tax reform to be sufficient to flout the historical pattern."

apple share price decrease