iOS 11 is EASY to BREAK with This Method

iOS 11 can be hacked much easier than you think with this method, the iPhone and iPad passcode being useless due to Apple's incompetence.

iOS 11 EASY BREAK Method

iOS 11 it's much easier to crack than many people thought, and that's because a computer security researcher discovered a method to discover the access code. Since iOS 8, Apple has implemented a system that limits the number of wrong access codes that can be entered until the iPhone or iPad locks up, but this system is ineffective.

The computer security researcher claims that if a person sends a long string of wrong access codes to the phone, it will compare them with the real one, without blocking the phone. This method allows breaking the access code in iOS 11 using a brute force method, and this is how the GrayKey devices used by the police could work, and not only that.

iOS 11 is EASY to BREAK with This Method

Sending a large number of access codes to the phone for processing prevents the triggering of the protection mechanism that blocks it, or in certain cases it can also generate data deletion. This is a major security issue for iOS 11, one that Apple has not yet blocked, but which it will most likely block in iOS 12.

iOS 11 is not completely secured by the Apple company, despite the fact that the Americans would like us to believe that, and this is a new proof of the ineffectiveness of the protection measures. Although Apple fights to block jailbreak solutions, people who really want to have access to data from their phones have other methods to break the access codes.