Firefox: Update Released for Phone Application

Firefox Phone Application Update

Firefox launched last year an iOS version of the browser available for many years for desktops, the application being appreciated by a large number of users from all over the world, it being updated during this day.

Firefox, through the update released last night, made some design changes to improve the navigation system in the application, but also the ease with which we discover new articles. More than that, now we can search among the open tabs, we can filter them, and change the order in which they are displayed, more than that, Firefox having also implemented a dark mode for iPhone and iPad users.

  • This latest release comes with some design improvements for easier navigation and discoverability. Additionally:
  • You can now search, filter, and drag the order of your currently open tabs.
  • For easier night-time viewing, we now have a dark theme. On/Off and auto preferences are available in settings.

Firefox for iOS Is available for DOWNLOAD FREE, in universal format.