WhatsApp: MAJOR Function Launched SECRETLY

WhatsApp has released this major new feature in secret for users around the world, the WhatsApp company has been testing it for a while now, and here's how it can help you.

WhatsApp MAJOR Function Launched SECRETLY

WhatsApp it has a very important new function that was secretly launched by the American company for users all over the world, it brings something and is meant to seriously help us in the future. More precisely, a few months ago the WhatsApp company started testing a function that allowed users to be warned about suspicious links that were sent by various people, it was launched on Android in July, and now it reaches the iPhone.

WhatsApp also launched for iPhone users the function that protects us against people who want to trick us into accessing websites with fraudulent content, or who could trick us in order to steal various data. The company that develops WhatsApp implemented the function as in the image below, it frames each suspicious link in a special frame that marks it accordingly, so that we know very clearly what we are going to access.

WhatsApp: MAJOR Function Launched SECRETLY

WhatsApp MAJOR Function Launched SECRET 1

WhatsApp does not mark as suspicious any kind of link that we receive from various people, but only those that have been confirmed by the company in the past as being from fraudulent websites, or those that have dubious characters in the field. In the example above you can see that the letter w from the domain component it doesn't look that normal, and that's because it's actually another character, meant to trick users into thinking that the link leads to the application's website.

WhatsApp has implemented this new feature as a response to the growing waves of fake news that have flooded the messaging platform, with the company not yet having any solution to solve it. This new function is definitely very useful to help people find out more clearly what they can access and what they cannot access, but of course in many cases it is also necessary for people to use their brains to protect themselves.