Opera Touch Launched Today on Phones

Opera Touch iphone ipad

Opera Touch was launched today for iPhone phones and iPad tablets worldwide, the Opera company offering the new browser for those who want a better experience surfing the Internet. In the video clip below you can see the functionality offered by Opera Touch for iPhone and iPad, a varied range of news being available from today.

Opera Touch was brought to iOS from the Android platform, and is presented as the ideal solution for phones like iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max, which do not have an integrated Home button. Opera Touch is designed to allow quick searches on the Internet, but also to provide quick access to its functions thanks to a shortcut button, visible in the lower central part of the interface.

Opera Touch Launched Today on Phones

Opera Touch is developed based on the Webkit platform on which Safari also works, but it does not benefit from all the technologies that Apple offers for its browser. The chances that Opera Touch will be as fast as Safari are also small, due to the limitations imposed by Apple, so, overall, users will not have the same experience.


Opera Touch is a new alternative to Safari on the iOS platform, but it's hard to say how many will decide to use it instead of the native browser offered by Apple. However, Opera Touch can be downloaded starting today from the App Store on iPhone and iPad.