iOS 12 has already EXCEEDED iOS 11 in Usage Rate

iOS 12 has an adoption rate that has surpassed that of iOS 11, with Apple managing to convince many people to install the update on their phones.

ios 12 adoption rate ios 11

iOS 12 has already surpassed iOS 11 in terms of usage rate, or at least that's what the first unofficial information on the adoption rate of Apple's operating system tells us. According to the information provided by MixPanel, iOS 12 is installed on 50% of all active iDevices globally, the figure being 7 percentage points higher than that of iOS 11.

iOS 12 does not yet have official data from the Apple company regarding the adoption rate, but those from MixPanel were generally right regarding iOS adoption rates. In this idea, what we see now from them regarding the adoption rate for iOS 12 should be 100% true, so it seems that the world is very interested in this update.

iOS 12 has already EXCEEDED iOS 11 in Usage Rate

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iOS 12 is only three weeks old from the moment it was launched, and unlike iOS 11, it managed to reach a 50% adoption rate in just 20 days, compared to 1 month for the old version. Although initially the world did not seem interested in iOS 12, in the last week the adoption rate increased surprisingly, as people convinced themselves that there are no problems.

iOS 12 brings very good performance for almost all iDevices, the Apple company promising this from the very beginning, along with solving many existing problems in the system. Since people have convinced themselves that this is perfectly true, it is normal for the adoption rate to be high, so we are going to see official figures from Apple.