LG. AMAZING, The phone with a HEXADECIMAL camera

LG. The first phone with a hexadecimal camera is being prepared for launch by the Koreans who want to amaze the whole world with the amazing technology.

lg the hexadecimal room

LG. The Korean company intends to launch a phone that has a hexadecimal camera, something that seems extremely difficult to imagine for anyone thinking of such a thing for a smartphone. We are talking about a phone from LG that is thought to have a camera with 16 image sensors, more than 3 times more than the Nokia 9, and more than 5 times more than the Huawei P20 Pro, which means it will be a real madness in every way.

LG. The Korean company has already registered an invention patent at the US Patent and Trademark Office, and there it describes very clearly what its plans are to launch a phone of this kind for customers. You can see from the images of this article how the LG company thought of implementing these 16 cameras in its phone, and the idea itself seems pure madness, but LG has been producing cameras for many years, so it can certainly do something like this for customers.

LG. AMAZING, The phone with a Hexadecimal camera

lg hexadecimal room 1

LG. Recording images with a camera with 16 image sensors allows the viewing of pictures or video clips from several perspectives, but also the much easier hiding of some elements from them. Thanks to a camera like this, LG could take smartphone photography to a completely different level, but of course they also need special software for this, or at least offer the technology to manufacturers capable of offering what they don't. i can

lg hexadecimal room 2

LG. The registration of this idea for the future of cameras is a first step towards a world where we may even have phones that can record pictures of a quality closer to that offered by DSLR devices. Of course, from a patent to a finished product is a long way, but even so, the people from LG show us that they are still capable of innovating, and if they manage to create such a camera for phones, then they will surely be and customers willing to buy them.