Windows 10. NEW PROBLEMS and Installation BLOCKING

Windows 10. New problems appeared for many users who installed the October 2018 Update, and Microsoft was forced to block the update.

Windows 10 stuck

Windows 10. Problems don't seem to stay away from Microsoft's operating system, and that's because the operating system was once again blocked on some of the users' computers. We are of course talking about new compatibility issues between computer drivers and the Windows 10 operating system, Microsoft blocking installation on certain computers to protect users from reboot loops that make their PCs completely useless.

Windows 10. The new operating system problems appear in the case of those using Morphisec applications, or those that are developed by the SDK created by this company for developers. Apparently everyone who installed the October 2018 Update for Windows 10 on computers that have applications containing software from Morphisec found themselves unable to use their computers normally, so Microsoft decided to block it until the problem is resolved .

Windows 10. NEW PROBLEMS and Installation BLOCKING

Windows 10. Since Microsoft decided to block the distribution of the update for the operating system, it is as clear as possible that the problem also affects a fairly large number of users. At the moment, Microsoft recommends people to uninstall applications that have that company's software in order to be able to use Windows 10 without problems, but of course the situation itself is not that great, and it frustrates quite a few people.

Microsoft and Morphisec have identified an issue on devices that have installed Morphisec Protector or another application that uses the Morphisec Software Development Kit (SDK) including: Cisco AMP for Endpoints. These applications may impact customers' ability to save Microsoft Office documents.

Windows 10. Unfortunately, this is the second time that Microsoft blocks the installation of the operating system on certain computers, in the past the Intel drivers were the big problem for correct operation. To be honest, it was expected that Windows 10 would go through similar problems after the updates that Microsoft keeps releasing, so it is expected that other updates released by the Americans will generate similar headaches for users.