Gmail Update brings Notable News to Phones

gmail update changes

GMail, the application for iPhone and iPad of the service with the same name, was updated today by the Google company, with a change designed to improve our user experience.

Gmail has released today an update that brings to iPhone and iPad the option to schedule emails that are sent to other people. Starting today, there is both the option to schedule messages from the application, and the option to see which of our messages are scheduled to be sent.

  • Get more done with Gmail by scheduling messages to be sent later. This is a great way to remember a friend's birthday, or even respect others' digital well-being by not sending messages over the weekend.
  • When composing a new message, click on the menu and choose 'Schedule send' to select a date and time for the message to be sent
  • You can now view messages that you have scheduled to be sent later in the 'Scheduled' label

The GMail application is available for free download, in universal format, from the AppStore following this link.