Windows. CAREFUL! WARNING Made by the NSA

Windows. The NSA issues an extremely serious warning to all users of the operating system, here is the message from the American agency.

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Windows. The most used operating system on the planet is at the center of a very important warning made by NSA, the well-known American federal agency that deals with US security. According to those from the NSA, users who use the Windows operating system in computers should be very careful about a vulnerability called Bluekeep, which allows hackers to exploit their PCs however they want.

Windows. The vulnerability is at least as dangerous as WannaCry, which many of you already know about, being used by hackers to steal millions upon millions of dollars from all over the world. In the case of Bluekeep, we are talking about a vulnerability for somewhat older Windows operating systems, it allows remote access to data from computers, blocking them completely, so practically anything a user would not want to happen to his PC .

Windows. CAREFUL! WARNING Made by the NSA

Windows. Although Microsoft has released a patch that solves the problems for the affected operating systems, there are still many who avoid it, so the NSA is trying to convince people to install it. According to the NSA, the following versions of Windows are affected: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and as you can see, we are talking about old versions of the American company's platform.

he National Security Agency is urging Microsoft Windows administrators and users to ensure they are using a patched and updated system in the face of growing threats NSA urges everyone to invest the time and resources to know your network and run supported operating systems with the latest patches. This is critical not just for NSA's protection of National Security Systems but for all networks.

Windows. The biggest problem with Bluekeep, according to the NSA, is that these exploited computers can be used to attack various computer networks around the world with DDoS attacks, which are very difficult to block. Unfortunately, users are the ones who have to make sure that their computers are protected against this vulnerability, and if you have a Windows operating system, it would be good to install the available patches.

Windows. The number of people who still use these operating systems is quite large, so hackers can create very powerful botnets to attack various targets on the Internet.


  1. Stai sa văd dacă am înțeles , dacă idevicerestore , libmobiledevice , libusb, se găsesc și in ubuntu sau arch Linux, asta înseamnă ca nu trebuie sa ma mai sperie articole de genu asta , și pot arunca win 10 la coș?? Trebuie sa încerc și varianta asta .. dacă in win 10 a mers , mai ales ca nu o sa vedem vreodată iTunes for Linux ??