Windows 10 has very big new problems, which have been officially recognized by Microsoft, here is what its customers are facing now.

Windows 10 bluetooth accessory issues

Operating System Windows 10 has a new very serious problem at the moment, it has been officially confirmed by Microsoft, and of course a large number of users are affected. More specifically, the updates released on June 11, 2019 for the Windows 10 system generate very large performance problems for Bluetooth devices that are connected to computers with this Microsoft operating system.

It seems that Windows 10 has implemented solutions for some security problems, and because of this, all those who have Bluetooth devices with older software will have great problems connecting them to computers. In many cases the connection becomes impossible between these Bluetooth devices and Windows 10, and unfortunately the Microsoft company will not solve the situation, but tells people to ask for device updates from their manufacturers.

Windows 10 blocks certain Bluetooth devices

Windows 10 doesn't really discriminate between the types of Bluetooth devices that can cause problems when connecting, so it can be about a very varied range of products, so it's good to be prepared. Since the changes imposed by the Microsoft company for Windows 10 are made with the idea of ​​strengthening the secrecy of its products, you should not expect the situation to change for the better in the near future, because security takes precedence.

You may experience issues pairing, connecting or using certain Bluetooth devices after installing security updates released June 11, 2019. These security updates address a security vulnerability by intentionally preventing connections from Windows to unsecure Bluetooth devices. Any device using well-known keys to encrypt connections may be affected, including certain security fobs.

Those at Microsoft probably knew how big the problems would become for customers after installing these updates for Windows 10, but in order to strengthen the security of the software, it decided to take this step, regardless of the consequences. It happened in the past that security patches for the operating system damaged the functionality of the computers, but the problems were overlooked because other, much more important deficiencies for the customers were being solved.

Having said that, I recommend that you avoid the security updates distributed by Redmond on June 11, 2019, if you have Bluetooth devices with old software, because you may not be able to connect them to your PC.