iOS 13 Solves a PROBLEM You didn't even know existed

iOS 13 unknown problem

iOS 13 solve a problem you didn't even know existed, the Apple company still wanting to offer customers the best possible experience for using its products. More precisely, for FaceTime, those from Apple have implemented in iOS 13 a change designed to solve the problem of how we are recorded when we use FaceTime.

iOS 13 has modified the way it displays our gaze when we make FaceTime calls, so that when we look at the screen, those who see us think that we are actually looking at the camera. In previous versions of iOS, when we look at the screen, the gaze is directed to a completely different area separated from the camera, as is normal, by the way.

iOS 13 fixes this, and brings a little fakeness to FaceTime calls, so that when we're looking at the screen, people think we're actually looking at them. The idea itself is good, even if iOS 13 falsifies our gaze a little, but many users have complained about it.

"Normally, video calls tend to make it look like both participants are peering off to one side or the other, since they're looking at the person on their display, rather than directly into the front-facing camera. However, the new "FaceTime Attention Correction" feature appears to use some kind of image manipulation to correct this, and results in realistic-looking fake eye contact between the FaceTime users."