Wireless charging DESTROYS Cell Phone Batteries

Wireless charging destroys mobile phone batteries, this is how seriously they are affected by the way we charge our phones daily.

Wireless charging DESTROYS Cell Phone Batteries

Wireless charging destroys mobile phone batteries, little by little, every time it is used, with no way to solve the problem without giving up using this alternative charging method. The information comes from an American company specialized in protecting consumers, analyzing how mobile phone batteries are affected by wired charging, or wireless charging, under certain conditions.

According to the results, phone batteries must work at temperatures between 15 and 40 degrees Celsius, and when this limit is exceeded, their ability to store energy is affected. During normal charging, via cable, not fast, the battery heats up to a temperature of 27 degrees Celsius, which does not affect it much over time, although repeated heating gradually reduces the battery's capacity, but slowly.

Wireless charging DESTROYS Cell Phone Batteries

Wireless Charging DESTROYES Mobile Phone Batteries figure
The impact on battery capacity after regular charging at normal and high temperatures.

Wireless charging with the coils of the phone and the charging pad very well aligned generates a heat of 30.5 degrees, which gradually decreases during charging to that recorded for standard wired charging. Charging with unaligned coils generates the same heat, only it does not decrease, and wireless charging is extended by up to 70 minutes, which leads to sustaining high heat for a much longer period of time.

"It has been well documented that increased calendar aging occurs in batteries as a function of storage temperature. Temperature can thus significantly influence the health of batteries throughout their useful life. In addition to temperature-accelerated secondary reactions at the electrodes, leading to progressive increases in internal resistance, many studies have investigated the effects of corrosion on current collectors and how such phenomena can affect the resistance build-up in batteries over their lifetime. functioning."

Basically, the big problem with wireless charging lies in the fact that when the coils are not aligned, the energy is not transferred correctly from the pad to the phone, and so the user's battery is severely affected by the heat. It is not easy to align the coils of a phone with those of a charging pad, so many users are exposed to this problem, and of course they have substantially reduced battery capacity during long use.

Having said that, if you're interested in using wireless charging with your phones, you'd better make sure you line up the coils perfectly so you don't run the risk of having a substantially reduced capacity.