SURPRISE in Windows 10 with a Change that AMAZED Users

Windows 10 has a very important surprise, with a new function that the world thought was lost, but which is coming back in force for users.

SURPRISE in Windows 10 with a Change that AMAZED Users

A major surprise for Windows 10 it was discovered in the latest version, and this in the conditions in which we are talking about something that was thought impossible to implement for computers all over the world. More precisely, a few months ago it was decided to remove the Sets function, which was highly anticipated by many people at that time, but Microsoft made the decision that it has nothing to do with Windows 10, so it removed it suddenly.

Windows 10 allows, through the Sets function, the grouped use of applications in a single window, just as we use a browser to open more internet pages, which we can quickly access. Well, in the case of Sets, the applications were grouped together in a single window, and we could make the transition from one to another much easier, without having separate windows in Windows 10 for each, and without searching for them through the taskbar.

SURPRISE in Windows 10 with a Change that AMAZED Users

Windows 10 GREAT feature Mac Dream sets

In a future version of Windows 10, the Sets function will be reimplemented, it being discovered in one that would be prepared for release in the second half of 2020, or maybe even in 2021, but it is clear that it is not forgotten. Considering that Microsoft did not offer a clear explanation for the decision to remove the Sets function from Windows 10, what we see now is a very interesting surprise, and it shows that it has not completely given up on the idea.

Windows 10 could offer a completely new user experience for those who decide to use the Sets function within Microsoft's operating system, so we are talking about a very big change. Of course, everything depends on what people want, but based on what we saw when it was discovered that the Sets function is removed from Windows 10, it is clear that people want to have it available again on their computers.