Romanian Police: INCREDIBLE VIDEO, How to STEAL from Homes

The Romanian Police has published a new incredible video that shows us how people's homes are stolen, this is how easily you can be left without valuable goods.


If you have a pair of VR glasses, you can see in detail what happens in the event of a home burglary...if you don't have VR glasses, use the mouse to move the camera where you want - The "Thieves invade your privacy" campaign #Romanian Police #SafeHome

Published by Romanian police on Thursday, December 5, 2019

Romanian police started a new campaign to educate the population regarding home thefts, and in the video clip above we have a demonstration of this type of event that can take place anywhere and anytime. The video clip above was recorded with a 360-degree camera, and can be watched with a virtual reality headset, in which the Romanian Police show us what happens in the case of a burglary.

The Romanian Police presents a typical family whose house, or rather the room, is invaded by thieves who steal anything they think is interesting, and that could be easily sold after the victims are stripped of their belongings. Everything is part of a very well thought out campaign by the Romanian Police, and the use of technology to present everything is meant to make people follow their very important advice.

Romanian Police: INCREDIBLE VIDEO, How to STEAL from Homes

The Romanian Police does not usually use virtual reality to present such important situations, but I think it was a very good idea to use technology to show people how serious the dangers they ignore are. Thefts from homes can leave many people without valuable goods, and the Romanian Police tries to "reach" people using very popular technologies.

The Romanian Police uploaded the VR video clip on Facebook where it can be seen by anyone regardless of whether they have a virtual reality helmet or just a computer and a phone, everything being just as easy to watch regardless of the device. The video clip above, published by the Romanian Police, can be watched by anyone at the moment, and I recommend you to do it because it is good to know why you need to guard your homes.

The Romanian Police is trying to teach people how to protect themselves because thieves are sometimes very difficult to catch, and in general stolen goods are not really recovered, so it is possible to lose quite a lot if you don't defend yourself.