Google Photos has a LAST SURPRISE on Phones at the End of the Year

Google Photos has one last surprise at the end of the year for mobile phone users, here's what Google has prepared for everyone.

Google Photos best of 2019

Google Photos has one last surprise prepared for its users at the end of this year, the online photo storage platform having revealed everything this very day for users from all over the world. Just like last year, the Google Photos platform shows users a photo collage with the best moments they went through during 2019, so as to remind them how much fun they had during this period.

Google Photos sends a notification to people's phones when the special album is created, which includes the pictures that the platform has combined to create the best moments of the last 12 months. After receiving the notification, Google Photos automatically opens directly to the respective album when the user accesses the respective notification, so the images can be seen immediately to enjoy the memories.

Google Photos has a LAST SURPRISE on Phones at the End of the Year

Google Photos best of 2019 album

Google Photos is only in its second year in which it has such an interesting campaign for users all over the world, and this despite the fact that Facebook creates something similar for people almost every holiday. For this photo collage, Google Photos chooses no less than 60 pictures from all those uploaded by users, and of course people can edit in any way they want everything that is displayed by the Google company.

Google Photos even allows people to make real albums with the pictures they took in 2019, with prices ranging from $10 to $20, depending on what people want. Of course, Google Photos allows the creation of real photo albums only in the US, not in other areas of the world, so only people there can enjoy a real album, while the rest will be able to enjoy the virtual one from the platform.