Proxima Centauri has BIG SECRET Revealed by Researchers

Proxima Centauri has a very big secret revealed by researchers, here is what they discovered after a lot of work done in this process.

Proxima Centauri planet

Next Centauri it is the closest star to our sun, and one of its great secrets was finally revealed by researchers who follow very carefully everything that happens in the universe. According to them, Proxima Centauri would have a planet in its orbit that until now has not been discovered by researchers, but the visualization will reveal some interesting news about that region.

Next Centauri it has a mass that is about one-eighth that of the sun, so we are talking about a "dwarf star", as researchers call it, and the planet that orbits it does so at a fairly large distance. The researchers claim that the planet that revolves around the star Proxima Centauri does so at a distance 1.5 times greater than that of the Earth from the sun, so there is enough space between them, and probably that the planet is not as well heated by the star .

Proxima Centauri has BIG SECRET Revealed by Researchers

Next Centauri it hid this planet quite well from researchers, but the first evidence of its existence was discovered last year, but only now they managed to distinguish what appeared in the images. In order for the existence of this planet to be confirmed in the orbit of Proxima Centauri, a team of researchers from various areas around the globe was needed to analyze the images that were recorded in that region.

Next Centauri had the emitted light analyzed in various wavelengths by researchers to see very clearly what is revolving around the star, a lot of work being done for the discovery. Proxima Centauri is 4.2 light-years from Earth, so a huge distance if we think about the measurements on the planet, but a very small one if we think about the vast universe.

Next Centauri it could also hide other planets orbiting it, but considering that only now has one been discovered that has been there for a very long time, it remains to be seen how long it will take to discover others.