Netflix: Subscribers were AMAZED by what is being asked of them

Netflix has many of its subscribers completely amazed by what they are being asked to do, this being the first time a message of this kind has come to them.

Netflix application

Netflix is a video streaming platform with hundreds of movies and series released annually for its over 160 million subscribers worldwide, but many of them were seriously amazed by what one of them is asking. For the "Next in Fashion" series, the producers made an unexpected decision, and told the actors to ask Netflix subscribers to continue watching the next episode of the series by pressing the button that starts playing it.

Netflix did not require the actors in the series to make this request for subscribers, but because "Next in Fashion" is in its first season on the platform and wants to "catch" the second one as well, to make this decision. Learning something from YouTubers, the creators of this series decided to ask Netflix subscribers to watch the next episode so that they can generate as many views as possible and have a new season commissioned by the company.

Netflix: Subscribers were AMAZED by what is being asked of them

Netflix relies a lot on the statistics for the views generated by the series when it makes the decision to order new seasons for them, and what was done in "Next in Fashion" is just the beginning. Regardless of whether this method will be successful or not, more and more series producers will want to include requests for Netflix subscribers to continue watching the next episodes in the series to generate views.

Netflix he didn't condemn this tactic applied to the series, and he doesn't really have to, especially since the views are good for the company, and they keep subscribers busy on the platform, where they can discover other types of content. If the tactic is successful, then Netflix could turn it into a requirement for some of the series that are released on its platform, but everything depends a lot on what will happen to the subscribers who receive the requests.

Netflix has become a platform where new series have more and more problems in attracting people's attention and keeping you connected to a whole series of episodes, but maybe tactics like this will be of great help.