iPhone sales have RECORD drops due to the coronavirus

iPhone sales, coronavirus discounts

The coronavirus has brought record declines for iPhone sales in China, something that some analysts have been anticipating for some time, but something that most certainly does not please Apple, but they probably also expected such an evolution of things.

iPhone sales fell by 60% in China due to the Coronavirus, an extremely high percentage, which still shows us how much the Chinese economy has contracted due to this virus that has caused panic in almost everyone until now.

According to official Chinese government data seen by Reuters, phone sales in China fell 54.7% in February 2020 compared to February 2019, with Apple selling 494.000 units, down from 1.27 million now. one year.

Apple sold 2 million iPhones in January, but in February the situation worsened, even more than the market average, with the Coronavirus affecting some manufacturers more and others less, as expected in a situation of this kind .

Huawei and Xiaomi also recorded a more than 50% decrease in sales, from 12.72 million units in February 2019 to 5.85 million units in February 2020, so the situation is very bad for everyone, and in March things will only improve slightly .