Coronavirus Romania: ANAF announcement for Taxpayers

Coronavirus Romania ANAF

The coronavirus also brings us an important announcement from ANAF, not that of stopping paying our taxes, but one meant to keep the world at a distance from institutions across the country, where there is often agglomeration in queues at the counters, or in the areas for relations with the public.

ANAF recommends Romanian citizens to pay their fees and taxes remotely, through, or through internet banking options that now exist at most banks in Romania.

ANAF also tells taxpayers that they can submit their tax returns through the e-government platform, but of course only if they have digital certificates issued, otherwise they have to go to the same offices all over the country.

The coronavirus is bringing similar measures to other institutions, where they are trying to reduce the usual crowds, but it is difficult to do this when the public administration is not as well digitized as it should be.

ANAF recommends remote interaction with fiscal units In the context of the spread of the coronavirus infection...

Published by National Agency for Fiscal Administration pe Monday, March 9, 2020