Windows 10: Microsoft SOLVES a very SERIOUS New Problem

Wndows 10 has a new extremely serious problem solved by the Microsoft company, here is what was discovered in the operating system for computers.

Windows 10 smb

Windows 10 had at the beginning of this week revealed a very serious problem that shows us that the operating system still needs a lot of attention from the Microsoft company, but it was quickly resolved. We are talking about a vulnerability that was registered with the name CVE-2020-0796, those from Microsoft being warned about this vulnerability of Windows 10 in the SMB system, it being very dangerous.

Windows 10 just yesterday a patch was released that blocks the possibility of having this vulnerability exploited by hackers, Microsoft being surprisingly quick to solve this very serious problem. This very speed with which Microsoft solved the problem shows us how serious everything is, they want to keep Windows 10 users as safe as possible, and if you have the operating system in your computers, you must install this patch.

Windows 10: Microsoft SOLVES a very SERIOUS New Problem

Windows 10 has practically solved a problem that allows hackers to remotely exploit computers through the SMB system, being able to run commands and applications with administrator privileges, that is, as PC owners do. The problem is extremely serious because everything can be done without the hacker having physical access to the Windows 10 computer, but also without the user knowing what is happening in his PC because everything is done "in the background".

Windows 10 had details about this problem disclosed online this week after communications between Microsoft and various companies that develop antivirus solutions reached the Internet. Experts from companies that develop antivirus solutions claim that this vulnerability is so serious that it can be used to develop ransomware such as WannaCry or NotPetya, so it was absolutely necessary for Microsoft to protect Windows 10 with a quickly released patch.

Windows 10 had the patch solved extremely quickly and because the vulnerability was extremely easy to find by hackers, so Microsoft rushed to keep all its users safe as quickly as possible.