MOON: NASA's INCREDIBLE announcement, which seemed to be IMPOSSIBLE

The MOON is at the center of an incredible announcement from NASA, here's what seemed impossible but will be done by the American space agency soon.

LUNA telescope

MOON FABRIC is in the center of attention in 2020, and that's because multiple missions that have as their objective the natural satellite of the Earth are currently in full process of realization, and one of NASA "jumps in the eye". Specifically, NASA plans to use some of the craters on the MOON to turn them into radio telescopes, yes, the Americans believe that such a thing is possible, although until now no one thought that they could be used in such a way mode.

MOON FABRIC it has a lot of growth due to the numerous collisions with asteroids, comets, and not only that, and I think NASA can technology them to use them as high power radio telescopes. NASA believes it can do this with those craters on the dark side of the MOON, and their realization would allow a much more detailed exploration of the universe thanks to the fact that they could analyze the vast dark at radio waves longer than 10 meters, with frequencies below 30 MHz.

MOON: NASA's INCREDIBLE announcement, which seemed to be IMPOSSIBLE

LUNA radio telescope
Concept of a radio telescope that NASA wants to build on the Moon.

MOON FABRIC it does not have the problems that Earth has with this equipment, that is, there is no ionosphere that reflects radio waves, and its surface acts as a shield that eliminates any kind of radio interference, especially from Earth. Apart from the Earth, there are also satellites in its orbit that cannot affect these radio telescopes on the MOON, the same being true including the radio interferences coming from the Sun, so there are great reasons to do them.

"An ultra-long-wavelength radio telescope on the far side of the Moon has tremendous advantages over telescopes in orbit and on Earth. Such a telescope can observe the universe at wavelengths longer than 10m (ie frequencies below 30MHz), which are reflected by the Earth's ionosphere and so far largely unexplored by humans, and (ii) the Moon acts as a physical shield that isolates the moon - telescope scope from interference / radio noise from terrestrial sources, the ionosphere, Earth-orbiting satellites, and radio noise from the Sun during the lunar night.”

MOON FABRIC it would initially have a telescope with a diameter of 1 kilometer made by NASA, a crater with a diameter of 3.5 kilometers being chosen for the project by the American space agency. This would be the largest radio telescope in the solar system, it would allow the transmission of 10-50 meter radio waves from the MOON, at frequencies of 6-30 MHz, and this could give us the opportunity to makes extremely important discoveries.

MOON FABRIC it therefore becomes not only a possible base for astronauts who will go to Mars in the future, but also a source of new discoveries of planets, stars, black holes, and perhaps signs of intelligent life in the universe.