iPhone 12 Pro: The change with which Apple wants to thank us

iPhone 12 Pro storage space

Starting today, iPhone 12 Pro is highly anticipated by many fans around the world, and this is because a well-known leaker announced that Apple would like to offer a minimum of 128 GB of storage space for these models.

The iPhone 12 phones will remain with a minimum of 64 GB of storage space because they are much cheaper, but in the case of the Pro models it seems that it will be about double space, and this is something that should have happened a few years ago, not just at this moment.

Apple customers have been asking for the doubling of the minimum storage space since 2018, Apple has "resisted" until now, but it seems that in 2020 it will violate its desire to make as much profit as possible, and it would give us what we really have needed in phones.