iPhone 12: GOOD News for Customers, BAD for Apple

iphone 12 boe screens

iPhone 12 is at the center of very good news for customers around the world, but also very bad news for those at Apple, and this is because its plans cannot be fulfilled, although this is good for us.

The iPhone 12 will not have screens from the Chinese company BOE, as Apple would have wanted, and this is because it cannot make them as good as those from Samsung, which is good for us, because we would not have phones with poor quality components.

Apple would have wanted to diversify its screen suppliers in the iPhone 12, but BOE cannot satisfy this wish, and we can be happy about this situation because we will still have good screens from Samsung.

"BOE has difficulties in expanding its OLED business. It also failed to deliver the first shipment of Apple iPhone 12 panels "scheduled to be released in the second half of the year."