Android Phones: OFFICIAL Google's BIG Announcement

Android phones have officially announced a very important announcement by the Google company, here is what unexpected change is being made now.

Android phones cameras

Android phones they officially have a very important announcement made by the Google company, one that is meant to help users around the world be safe. More precisely, those at Google decided to limit the access of third-party applications to the cameras that Android phones have, and everything to prevent spying on people by those made by ill-intentioned developers, which happens very often, unfortunately.

Android phones makes this change starting with Android 11, and we are not talking about a total blocking of access to the cameras by third-party applications, but only about a stricter control of access to them. The applications will have to use the standard camera application from Android phones to take pictures, not the ones integrated by the developers, and so Google makes sure that the users' location is not stolen.

Android Phones: OFFICIAL Google's BIG Announcement

Android phones they needed such a very important change to keep users safe, and prevent the theft of their location through applications. Google is taking this measure after many people started complaining about this major problem that exists for Android phones, and from what we see with this decision, it seems that things needed a forced direction.

Android phones offers much more freedom compared to those that run the iOS operating system, and now the people from Google take a decision of Apple and apply it to their own operating system. Android phones will offer much more security for all people with this change, and the pictures should also be much better if their native application is used, but also the dedicated APIs for accessing the camera.

Android phones they will have this change imposed regardless of the manufacturer that makes them, so that everyone will enjoy, in the end, exactly the same thing.