DIGI Mobil: GREAT announcement, UNIQUE free for Romania

DIGI Mobil has a great announcement for all its customers in Romania, offering a unique freebie for our country, here's what you can benefit from now.

DIGI Mobile assimilation

DIGI Mobil is one of the largest telecommunications operators in our country, having millions of customers at the national level, as some of you already know, and continuing to expand quite rapidly. Those at DIGI Mobil offer customers from all over Romania the opportunity to use their subscription benefits, including roaming, and for those who do this and travel in Hungary, there is very good news.

DIGI Mobil has announced that it is extending until 31.10.2020 a special promotion that allows all customers to use the Internet while roaming in Hungary under the same conditions as they use it now in Romania. Practically, all DIGI Mobil customers who go to Hungary can use the internet within the limit of 50 GB on the territory of that country, just like in Romania, so they don't have to worry about exceeding the traffic allocated by the operator for its services .

DIGI Mobil: GREAT announcement, UNIQUE free for Romania

DIGI Mobile internet traffic assimilation

DIGI Mobil says that this promotion is valid for its customers only if they use the DIGI Mobil Hungary network when they are in the country, so it does not apply even if another local network is used. Considering that DIGI Mobil has mobile infrastructure in Hungary as well, it was normal to ask for the use of its network, but unlike other operators, it has this huge advantage for its customers, I could say a unique one for Romania.

DIGI Mobil is the only telecommunications operator in Romania that allows its customers to use all internet traffic in roaming as if they were using it in their country of origin. Although Orange, Vodafone, Telekom are present in many European countries, none of them offer something similar for their customers, so DIGI Mobil has a unique benefit for customers in Romania, but only if they use its phone network in Hungary when they are there.

DIGI Mobil has had this promotion valid for some time, and has extended it several times, so it is expected that it will be further extended by the operator until the end of 2020.