Nelu Tataru: IMPORTANT announcement regarding the State of Emergency

Nelu Tataru, the Minister of Health, is making a very important announcement today regarding the state of emergency in Romania, and this is because we had the second record of infections with the new Coronavirus in a single day, and many people are starting to become very worried about the situation in the country.

Nelu Tataru says that at the moment there is no need to return to the state of emergency, even though a few months ago it was said that if 3 cases were collected in the course of 4-10.000 days, the state of emergency should be returned, but now things are viewed differently, although in the last 3 days there were almost 7000 new cases.

Nelu Tataru has not been saying for some time that the state of emergency should be reintroduced, and as things look, it will never be reintroduced for the citizens of Romania.