Nelu Tataru: the number of coronavirus infections will continue to grow

Nelu Tataru increase in coronavirus infections

Nelu Tataru said yesterday a truth about which all Romanians should know, and this is because in the coming weeks the number of new cases of the Coronavirus would explode, and the increase should last at least two weeks from now over there.

Nelu Tataru does not say whether this increase is also due to the local elections that took place last week, but it is very possible since millions of Romanians went to the polling stations, and it is improbable that everywhere the measures of protection against coronavirus.

"We are on that progressive upward path. We are after six weeks of a plateau around 1500 cases, followed by a month of September in which we had numerous returns to quasi-normality. Non-compliance or partial compliance has led to an increase in cases. 3.000 cases is a lot.

We are in a global and European context of a pandemic, which, for some, is a second wave, we still haven't finished the first wave and we are on an increasing path. We are at the moment when we also impose some restrictions."