Among Us: OFFICIAL Announcement that SURPRISE ALL Players

Among Us map

Among Us is one of the most popular games of the moment in the online environment, the title "appearing out of nowhere" and generating extremely high interest all over the world from millions, and millions, of users, especially those who make live streams on YouTube and Twitch.

Among Us is extremely popular, and the developers of the game know this, so they try to keep the world as busy as possible with their title, so we have an official announcement that will most certainly please a lot of people who play this game.

Among Us has announced a new map by its developer, and below you can see the official message that was published by the creators of the title, and the unveiling of the new map would take place on December 10, in an event dedicated to games.

Among Us is going to have a new extremely interesting map that will give players new reasons to explore the virtual world more carefully, and to find the right locations in which to kill those they are playing against as impostors.

Among Us surprised everyone with its popularity, and this in the conditions in which we are talking about a title that very quickly came to the attention of all people without initially having so much promotion, but the gameplay is attractive enough.