Vodafone: Breaking news for MILLIONS of Romanians

Vodafone has breaking news for millions of Romanians all over the country, here's what you need to know right now, and how much it helps you.

Vodafone antivirals

Vodafone has a very important breaking news for millions of Romanians all over the country, one that you should know about right now because it can be extremely helpful at this time of the year. A few months ago, Vodafone launched a special application called DreamLab, which is intended to contribute to research by using the processing power of people's mobile phones.

Vodafone says that the very large number of installations registered by the application helped researchers from Imperial College London to discover dozens of antiviral particles in the food we eat. Those from Vodafone say that they can also be useful in the fight against the Coronavirus, but of course only to a limited extent, because in case of an infection, it is very possible that antiviral drugs will be needed.

Vodafone: Breaking news for MILLIONS of Romanians

Vodafone managed to make an application that has such a high level of use that it ended up being used on a very large number of devices, and this helps major developments in the field of research. The idea of ​​using hundreds of thousands, or millions, of phones from all over the world to gather the processing power needed to make complex calculations is something that Vodafone managed to do with great success at the international level.

Vodafone he tried to convince many Romanians to install this application in their phones, he succeeded to a certain extent, but he still has a lot of work to do until someone proves its true usefulness. Even the simple information about the foods that can help in the fight against the Coronavirus would not be enough for many to convince them to install the application, but maybe in the future applications of this kind will be much more popular.

Vodafone he knows how useful research is to support science, so it is very possible that in the near future we will see a much more intense promotion for this application, and many others.