Romanian Government: What does the vaccine against Coronavirus contain?

Government of Romania What does the vaccine against Coronavirus contain

The Romanian government has published a new information regarding the Coronavirus pandemic, and it answers an extremely important question, specifically the one regarding the content of the vaccine against the virus, and below you can read everything the authorities have to say.

"Forgotten kisses and hugs. School trips. Grandparents at the holiday table. A good movie at the cinema with popcorn and big juice. An evening at the theater with a full house. A concert with thousands of spectators. A dinner at a restaurant with friends. A weekend getaway by plane, decided on overnight. A party at home where everyone brings snacks. Sports competitions. Handshakes when meeting someone. Peaceful dreams and open borders.

Teachers walking through the rows of benches. The crowd at the station. The freedom to stay at home when YOU want…”
The vaccine contains more than just the prescription for the antibodies so needed in the fight against COVID-19. The vaccine gives us freedom.
This text has been circulating on the internet for a few days and was translated and adapted by Sebastian Trenka from Timiș."