BCR Romania: ATTENTION! Last minute announcement, what you NEED to know

BCR Romania issued a last-minute announcement aimed at all its clients in the country, here's what you need to know about it right now.

BCR Romania IT

BCR Romania issued during this day a last-minute announcement aimed at all its clients from all over the country, and everyone must know about it because we are talking about something that no one can "escape". More precisely, the people from BCR Romania have announced that they are going to do work to improve the computer system on the basis of which some of the services they offer to clients throughout the country operate, and this means periods of unavailability.

BCR Romania says that today between the hours of 23:00 and 04:00, and on Sunday between the same hours, work will take place on the computer system on the basis of which the services they offer operate. Because of these works, the people from BCR Romania say that the services George Web and App, Click, Touch, Alo 24, MoneyGram, Digital Onboarding, Casa Mea will be unavailable to everyone, so you will not be able to use them no matter what you do want to do

BCR Romania: ATTENTION! Last minute announcement, what you NEED to know

BCR Romania it also says that the eBCR and MultiCash applications will not allow making intraday payments, nor displaying the financial status, so unfortunately you will have to wait until they are available again. The MFM equipment of those from BCR Romania will also be available with limited functionality, only in ATM mode, while cash deposit operations will not be available for customers.

BCR Romania says that the rest of the services that have not been mentioned so far should work, but you can expect that even in their case there may be availability problems. This means that you will have to find other solutions to manage your cards, to withdraw money, or to make payments wherever you need, the people from BCR Romania are ultimately only trying to improve their systems.

BCR Romania it is not the first series of maintenance works, so no one should be surprised by the way things are going, but you have to be careful during these periods of unavailability.