WhatsApp: Romania and the Problem Ignored by Much of the World

WhatsApp has a rather serious problem that is ignored in Romania by many people, here is what is happening, and how important it is.

Sensitive WhatsApp

WhatsApp is the largest messaging platform in the world, and among the 2 billion users who use the platform in various areas of the globe, there are also many people from various government institutions. This is a very serious problem because they communicate via WhatsApp confidential information that should normally be transferred between people only through secure communication media, theoretically made available by the institutions they belong to.

WhatsApp it is also used in Romania to transmit sensitive data between people, even in the case of public officials, but not only in private conversations, but also in chat groups. Not everyone realizes that the information transmitted through the WhatsApp platform does not enjoy such a high level of security, unfortunately, and this is something that everyone should know about the platform of the American company, at this moment.

WhatsApp: Romania and the Problem Ignored by Much of the World

WhatsApp it is constantly used by public officials in Romania, and this is a problem because sometimes sensitive information is transmitted through the platform, some of which should not reach there. The lack of secure communication methods for everyone is the main problem here, communication methods that are also easily accessible, and that's because it's easier to send any kind of information via WhatsApp from your phone, even if it's sensitive.

WhatsApp says that the messages sent by people are encrypted in conversations, but what is sent in groups does not really enjoy the same thing, and in phone backups everything remains unsecured, or badly secured. This exposes a lot of personal data, or other sensitive information, within the reach of those who host these backups, and all without people knowing that their data is not really that well protected in the platform.

WhatsApp it is not seen by IT security experts as a safe platform where you could store your sensitive data, and that is ultimately the biggest problem with it.