Auchan: Official Announcement for Customers, what it does in Stores

Auchan made an official announcement for its customers from all over Romania, here's what's happening in its stores, and what everyone needs to know now.

Auchan safety

Auchan brings to the attention of all its customers in Romania a series of changes made in its stores throughout the country, and they are extremely important because they are meant to improve the shopping experience. More precisely, the people from Auchan have officially announced the fact that in stores across the country they have implemented protective measures against the Coronavirus that respect the strictest safety standards, and this should keep customers safe.

Auchan says that he also received a certification for the high level of safety in terms of protection against infection with the Coronavirus in his stores throughout Romania, and the news is very good. Auchan imposes a series of serious measures so that everyone is safe when they come to shop in its locations, and it is important that Romanians know this.

Auchan: Official Announcement for Customers, what it does in Stores

Auchan safety stores

Auchan insists on wearing a mask during the entire visit to one of its locations in Romania, and this is because masks represent a very important barrier against infection with the new Coronavirus. More than that, Auchan also insists on the hygiene of those who arrive in the stores, so that is why it has disinfectants in many areas inside the stores so that people clean their hands, and when they touch the products on the shelves not to transmit any kind of virus, s have bacteria.

Auchan also emphasizes the disinfection of the common spaces through which the customers who arrive at its stores pass, this being extremely important for the protection of people. More than that, it is also very important to keep the distance between customers when they go to the shelves, or when they get home, together with the protective mask helping people stay safe even when they go shopping at Auchan.

Auchan has been certified by an international company for compliance with these protection measures, so anyone who arrives in its stores should be protected.