WhatsApp: Colossal SECRET Change for iPhone, Android

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WhatsApp is making a colossal change for iPhone and Android phones, it's being done in secret for now because it's about something that will upset a lot of people, so Facebook wants to keep things hidden for now. More precisely, those from WhatsApp are working together with those from Facebook Messenger to make it possible to view conversations from the first platform in the second, something that seemed impossible in the past.

WhatsApp could have its conversations integrated into Facebook Messenger according to what was discovered by those who analyze very carefully the changes that are made for the application of the American company. We are talking about a series of changes to the way Facebook Messenger works, mainly because WhatsApp conversations made by users would be loaded there, and not the other way around, so it's good to know that.

WhatsApp: Colossal SECRET Change for iPhone, Android

WhatsApp upload facebook messenger

WhatsApp cannot currently transmit data to Facebook Messenger, as you already know very well, so this change that Facebook would like to make is an extremely serious one, but which has been in the works for some time. It is not yet known how exactly Facebook thinks that a combination between WhatsApp and Messenger would be useful for its users around the world, but since it is working on something like this, it is quite clear that it has big plans regarding the change.

WhatsApp had serious problems due to the fact that an interconnection was attempted between its data and that of Facebook, so what we see now will be a source for a new scandal in which the American company will be involved. At the very beginning of the year, WhatsApp was criticized due to the fact that it wants to impose some terms and conditions that many people do not agree with, so a change of this kind with Messenger would create even more tensions.

WhatsApp has said absolutely nothing about this function that it has been developing for over a year, and most likely it will not tell you because it will do nothing but annoy a lot of people.