Huawei: Deciding on a Radical Change Starting in 2021

Huawei software

Huawei is at the center of a decision that also brings a radical change for the year 2021, the Chinese company having it imposed by its founder Ren Zhengfei, and it is something that comes as a big surprise. More precisely, those from Huawei want to become leaders in the software industry, leaving behind the hardware that is currently blocked by US sanctions, which have very little chance of disappearing even if Donald Trump has left the office of president of the country.

Huawei focuses on dominating the world through software, because here the US would have no way to impose sanctions similar to those for hardware, but the Americans are still capable of anything. Huawei wants to put a lot of emphasis on Harmony OS, the operating system that should replace Android, but also on other ecosystems for electronic products, all with the idea of ​​conquering the world with indispensable products that cannot be blocked easily.

Huawei: Deciding on a Radical Change Starting in 2021

Huawei wants to make software that is open source, and is based on open source technologies, avoiding to use anything that requires licensing, in order not to risk being banned again. Huawei uses the open source version of Android for Harmony OS, which gives it flexibility in many ways, but other technologies are also needed to make software that is truly wanted and used worldwide by hundreds of millions of people. people.

Chinese tech giant Huawei Technologies ( HWT.UL ) founder Ren Zhengfei urged company staff to “dare to lead the world” in software as the company looks for growth beyond its hardware operations that U.S. sanctions have crippled. Ren said in the note that the company is focusing on software because future development in the field is fundamentally "outside of US control and we will have greater independence and autonomy."

Huawei aims to develop software products that can be used in a variety of environments, both by ordinary users and by companies, but for now it is quite difficult to do this. Despite the fact that Huawei has the ability to produce advanced software, it is still dependent on other companies in everything it wants to do, and many can be very easily influenced by the Americans not to work with it, despite its desire for independence.

However, Huawei has very big plans at the moment, and based on them it will try to recover what it has lost on the international mobile phone market.