Valeriu Gheorghita: How many Romanians have actually fallen ill with the Coronavirus

Valeriu Gheorghita made an announcement today that surprised a lot of people, and that's because he revealed the fact that 6 million Romanians have been infected with the Coronavirus so far, and you can find the explanation for this figure from him below.

Valeriu Gheorghita is based on this information and when he says that 30% - 40% of the Romanian population has some form of immunity to the Coronavirus, including the 4 million people already vaccinated, some of them being infected at some point, whether they have knew or not.

"We are probably talking about six million people who have a history of getting over the disease. The data from the end of 2020, the seroprevalence data showed us during the period when the cumulative incidence rate of cases was one in a thousand, the seroprevalence data showed a pass rate of about six in a thousand, so basically six times more. Of course, this rate is an average and does not accurately reflect what is happening in each geographic region.

However, counties like Suceava, where we have the lowest vaccination coverage rate, are doing very well from the point of view of the evolution of the number of cases. A large part of the people in that county have already been infected with SARS-CoV-2. And it is also one of the reasons, at least in the case of those who know they have been infected, to postpone the decision to vaccinate."