Romanian Police: Warning regarding Drug Consumption at the Wheel

Romanian police methadone steering wheel

The Romanian Police has an extremely important warning for all drivers in Romania regarding the consumption of drugs while driving on public roads, and gives an example that was encountered last night on the A2 highway.

The Romanian Police is talking about the methadone consumption of a driver that led to the detection of a driver who was driving erratically on the highway and who, upon testing, was found to be positive for the consumption of methadone, an illegal substance in Romania.

"One of the dangers tonight, on the A2 Highway, was the one highlighted in the image presented.

The consumption of METHADONE, followed by the aggressive behavior of a young driver in traffic, led to the receipt of 112 reports from your side, which was found and stopped.

Driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other substances is part of a multitude of "don'ts" that endanger the safety of traffic on the highways, among other reasons:

– Failure to keep the distance from the vehicle in front;
– Unjustified stopping or parking in the emergency lane;
– Speed ​​mismatch.

We want road rules to be respected at all times, but we remind you that good behavior and appropriate behavior in society will be appreciated at any time, by every citizen!"