The Minister of Education: The Decision for All Schools and What New Measures It Brings

The Minister of Education Decision Brings New Measures to All Schools

The Minister of Education has sent to millions of parents and students from all over Romania some new, but extremely important measures for all schools in the country, measures that are meant to lead to a substantial improvement in the educational experience of Romanian children and young people.

The Minister of Education talks below about how the financing of schools, high schools, and more should be done throughout the country, according to the objectives of the Governance program of the new Government, and you can see that transparency is the basis of the fair and sufficient allocation of budgetary resources.

"Education financing will be done in relation to the assumed vision and strategy, as well as the recorded performances and existing needs, taking into account the decentralization of the educational system and the capacity of local public authorities to support education without affecting its quality.

It is proposed to change the paradigm of the financing system of pre-university education, through an appropriate combination of the financing system per student with the financing system per study formation, in order to effectively reduce the existing inequities.

Funding will be provided for learning resources and educational infrastructure, according to national standards, including priority expansion of infrastructure to those areas where the existing one is insufficient or inadequate. Funding provides appropriate learning resources and infrastructure for pupils/students with various forms of disability or special educational needs.

Considering the specificity of education in the languages ​​of national minorities, the large geographical dispersion, as well as the reduced accessibility, a significantly differentiated value of the standard cost per student will be ensured. Funding is correlated with the objectives formulated at the national level. The funding system includes compensation mechanisms that, regardless of the funding algorithm used, guarantee the allocation of sufficient resources to cover local needs.

The allocation of additional resources for schools that mainly serve minority or poor communities will be supported, including for the employment of support staff and community involvement activities in school life, through European programs and the national budget; for educational units in vulnerable areas the basic funding must be adapted, based on a current standard cost."