Minister of Health: Important Last Minute Decision Officially Announced to Romania

Minister of Health Important Decision Last Time Officially Announced to Romania

The Minister of Health has officially announced a very important last-minute decision for all of Romania, and millions of Romanians, and this is because through a new order with the number 1.252/245/2022, changes were made to the statistical registration of people who receive services medical.

The Minister of Health signed an order which, among several other articles, also contains the ones below, these being some of the most important ones that already come into force as a result of the publication in the Official Gazette of the new order signed for all of Romania already.

"The hospitalization criterion "code 3" is completed only if the patient is uninsured and benefits from the services provided in positions 3 and 4 of the list provided in ch. I lit. B point B.3.1 and position 59 of the list from point B.3.2 of annex no. 22 to Order 1.068/627/2021, with subsequent amendments and additions, which are granted in day hospitalization structures approved/approved by the Ministry of Health.

If the services provided for in positions 3 and 4 of the list provided in ch. I lit. B point B.3.1 and position 59 from the list at point B.3.2 are granted to the insured, fill in "code 2". Distinct day hospitalization sheets are drawn up for each position of the resolved cases, medical services in the day hospitalization regime.

Provided for in lit. B point B.1, point B.2, point B.3 subsection B.3.1 and B.3.2, point B.4.1 and point B.4.2 of annex no. 22, as well as for each position in the medical services - case in the day hospitalization regime provided for in art. 5 of annex no. 50 and art. 4 of annex no. 51 to the Order of the Minister of Health and the President of the National Health Insurance House no. 1.068/627/2021, with subsequent amendments and additions.

The registration of services for day hospitalization of the "service" type is done separately for each visit, if the respective services were performed during the visit, completing the name of the service, according to letter B point B.3, point B.4.1 and point B.4.2 of annex no. 22, art. 5 of annex no. 50, as well as art. 4 of annex no. 51 to the Order of the Minister of Health and the President of the National Health Insurance House no. 1.068/627/2021, with subsequent amendments and additions.

The visit lasts a maximum of 12 hours per day, and multiple visits on the same day are not possible on the same day hospitalization sheet. For day hospitalization of the «solved case» type, the «Services performed» section is not completed."