NATO could Decide that Russia's Actions in Ukraine are a Direct Threat

NATO Decides Russia's Actions Ukraine Direct Threat

NATO could decide that Russia's actions in Ukraine are a direct threat to the security of the countries that are part of the alliance, a decision that will certainly have extremely large ramifications in the context in which Finland has officially requested to join the organization, and Sweden will ask for the same in the next period.

NATO has always said that it is a threat to Russia, but nevertheless, it can decide that the actions of the Russians are a threat to it, so it will be very interesting to see to what extent this statement will be officially adopted, but also what impact will it have for the relations with the countries of the alliance.

"NATO allies should highlight Russia's behavior as a direct threat in a future strategic document, in which they will also address how to better support neighboring countries that are vulnerable to coercion and aggression, according to a NATO official. The allies will likely keep open the possibility of reviving ties if Moscow's behavior changes, the official said, adding that the document will also address China and its relationship with Russia.

The so-called strategic concept document outlines the alliance's priorities for the coming years and is due to be finalized at the NATO summit in Madrid at the end of June. The previous version, published in 2010, referred to Russia as a partner, wording to be abandoned this time."