WhatsApp: Important SECRET Discovered for iPhone and Android

WhatsApp Important SECRET Discovered iPhone Android leave group

WhatsApp, the largest messaging platform in the world with over 2 billion users using the application on iPhone and Android phones, is currently in full development, even if secretly, one of the most important changes until now. Those at WhatsApp have decided that it's time to offer users around the world a special change that will allow them to leave groups without public notification.

WhatsApp currently displays a message within a chat group when a person leaves that group, but this will no longer happen in the future, according to a secret change in development. Those at WhatsApp have already implemented in the beta versions of the application for PCs this major change that will benefit all users, and in the image below you can see how it looks.

WhatsApp: Important SECRET Discovered for iPhone and Android

WhatsApp Important SECRET Discovered iPhone Android leaving chat groups

WhatsApp will only tell group administrators when a person leaves a certain chat group, and that's because it's perfectly normal for administrators to know what's going on inside their groups. Apart from them, no one else will be able to see this information, those from WhatsApp finally making a decision that many people have been waiting for for some time, since the functionality could not be implemented in another way until now.

WhatsApp knows very well how important it is for its users to keep their privacy, so the decision to offer people a change of this kind should be praised from many points of view. The notification in the image above will be visible to everyone who currently uses the WhatsApp application, telling people exactly what happens if they leave a chat group.

WhatsApp also has a lot of other important changes prepared for iPhone and Android phones around the world, they are intended to be launched in the coming months, as they are ready to be offered.