The Transylvanian cheetahs of the Romanian Army did simulator training in Poland

Cheetahs Transylvania Romanian Army simulator training Poland

The Transylvanian cheetahs recently participated in an anti-aircraft defense training that took place in Poland, and unlike others done so far, it took place in a simulator that put them in front of situations that can be encountered in conditions of real fight.

The Romanian Army has been training intensively lately as the war in Ukraine is still ongoing, and this is because the military must always be prepared to intervene if the situation requires it.

"Transilvania cheetahs" - simulator training.

The soldiers of the Transilvania Cheetahs Air Defense Detachment participated in a training in one of the most modern shooting simulators with the infantry weapons belonging to the Polish allies in Gizycko.

The Romanian military tested their skills in identifying and executing fire, in the shortest possible time, on objectives that appear by surprise in scenarios with different degrees of difficulty.

The training activity was carried out starting from the individual stage to the team stage, where in addition to the skills of the shooters, the score obtained was differentiated by the coordination and communication regarding the engagement of the targets.

It was a unique experience for the Romanian soldiers, many of them shooting for the first time in such a simulator, and at the end of the activity they expressed their interest to return and improve their shooting skills.