WhatsApp: 2 New Secret Modifications for iPhone and Android

WhatsApp 2 New Secret Modifications iPhone Android

WhatsApp continues to secretly make changes to the applications available in iPhone and Android for phone users around the world, following the same trend it started some time ago. The first of the 2 changes that we are talking about today is related to the inclusion in the interfaces of the WhatsApp application for iPhone and Android of a mention regarding the fact that all the information that is transmitted by us through it is encrypted.

WhatsApp has been implementing this markup in its app interfaces for some time now, which is meant to tell people that they are safe no matter how they choose to use the messaging app now. Of course, you have to activate certain settings to benefit from total data encryption, including the one that encrypts the backups made via WhatsApp, a very important setting, so it's good not to ignore it.

WhatsApp 2 New Secret Changes iPhone Android encryption footer

WhatsApp: 2 New Secret Modifications for iPhone and Android

WhatsApp is also working on another functionality that is not necessarily related to security, but to the way we express ourselves within the messaging platform, and this is because we will be able to send emoji characters as reactions to statuses. We have told you for some time that WhatsApp wants to offer us such a functionality in iPhone and Android, and now we see that they are working intensively on offering it to everyone, and it is good that this is happening.

WhatsApp wants to change the way we communicate with other people by introducing emoji characters for reactions, but also other functionalities that have existed for some time in other messaging applications that we use frequently. WhatsApp is secretly working on all these changes to prepare them well enough before release, and when it releases them they should work well enough to be useful.

WhatsApp 2 New Secret Changes iPhone Android status reaction

WhatsApp has many other great changes in preparation for the launch for us, so it remains to be seen to what extent they will be available in the next period, or we will have to wait longer until we can use them.