The European Commission Could Avoid Ceilinging Russian Gas Prices

The European Commission Could Avoid Ceilings on Russian Gas Prices

The European Union would not cap the prices of natural gas or oil bought from Russia, as was believed since last week, but it seems that in fact the concentration of the Europeans will be directed towards the profit made by the companies that buy these materials and sell them comes within the European Union.

The European Commission prepared a directive that would be imposed in the next period, and Ukraine will probably be disappointed by this decision, but the biggest problems will be with the Europeans who have completely different expectations from the European institutions from this point of view view.

"It is unlikely that the EU will cap the price of Russian gas. A draft regulation on the "emergency electricity tool" seen by The Guardian contains neither a price cap for Russian gas nor a cap on all imported gas.

But the EU is still “expected to levy windfall taxes on the high profits of fossil fuel companies, with a separate cap on the revenues of low-carbon electricity producers,” the Guardian reported.”